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Explore the Benefits of Pranayama

Explore the Benefits of Pranayama

Does Pranayam really work? What is the science behind Pranayama? 

We, being the best yoga teachers in Gurgaon, generally face these questions. We also observed that when students understand the relevance of yoga asanas, they become more conscious, and the results improve. 

Let’s understand the meaning of the word Pranayama first. “Prana” means energy, whereas 
“Yama” means control. And collectively, it means control over the energy. Pranayam is nothing but a technique of breath regulation. 

In Pranayam, the person intentionally inhales, holds, and exhales their breath. The whole process is done with consciousness, where the aim is to connect (yog or unite)  both body and mind. The duration, frequency, and control - are all significant in Pranayam.

Types of Pranayama
Pranayama can be performed in four ways. These are:

  • Nadishodhana
  • Ujjayi
  • Bhramari
  • Bastrika

You can do Pranayam practice during the asanas or meditation. Either way, the focus is drawn on the breath.

Potential Benefits of Pranayama
Experts have closely monitored the benefits of Pranayama. Several international universities and organizations have researched to evaluate the advantages of the body and mind. And on that basis, we can count the benefits of Pranayama practices.

1. Reduction in Stress Levels
Many people notice a reduction in stress levels with the regular practice of Pranayama. One of the studies noticed less stress among workers who followed Pranayama practice regularly for four weeks. 

2. Improves sleep quality

Pranayama can help people with insomnia. People who have difficulty sleeping can experience better sleep quality. Moreover, studies also claim it can reduce day sleeping, snoring, and sleep apnea.

3. Induces Mindfulness

Pranayama calms the mind, increases awareness, and results in higher mindfulness. Many people experience reduced anxiety, clarity in thoughts, and reduced impulsiveness with regular practice of Pranayama.

4. Regulates Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is dangerous. As mental or physical stress increases, it has a negative effect on blood pressure.  As a result, many people have to consume regular pills to regulate blood pressure levels within limits. Here, Pranayama can help people to manage blood pressure. Although it is directly related to stress, as the person starts controlling their breath, their stress and blood flow starts falling normally.

5.  Improves Lung Function

Pranayama also helps increase lung capacity. The lungs become healthier and start consuming and holding more air. This way, a person inhales more oxygen. As a result, more air reaches the organs, and their efficiency improves. These organs release more toxins and become healthy with time.

6. Less Food Cravings

As told earlier, control is one of the crucial parts of Pranayama. Reduced cravings, weight reduction, and less irritation are some of the benefits that one can embrace with the regular practice of Pranayama.

Bottom Line
The benefits of Pranayamas are well known. However, the right technique also matters. When people don't follow the right approach, they suffer side effects. 

But you can save yourself from these mistakes. When the right technique is learned under the guidance of a Yoga Trainer, you can reap the benefits of a lifetime. So, just keep your doubts away and book an appointment with H2 Yoga. Here, we offer the best yoga services that can benefit people of all age groups.